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Monday, July 17, 2006

Tommys Jesus Experience

You may have read my last post requesting prayers and help for my 8 yr old nephew tommy who has a rare disease called ALD which has created leasions on his brain causing numerous other problems in his little body. But I was so touched by this I wanted to share it with u ......his mother took him to one of mark chirronnas services and they called him onstage and annointed him and prayed over him and laid him down on the stage. Well tommy stayed an unusual amount of time laying there and his mother asked him why. He said......"because mommy Jesus was healing me...he brushed my cheek and said I love you and you are healed" He also told her that his whole body was warm and Jesus told him he was filling him with his glory. Now mind u this child has only recently started to be taken to sunday school and church. But he has claimed that healing, now he thanks jesus for his healing when grace is said. He doesnt at all think he is going to have to have that transplant (btw its scheduled for the 21st, it got pushed back a week). They had to redo the tests just before the transplant because the disease is such that if he has progressed too far, a transplant would actually speed up its progress and decrease his days with us. He believes that those tests are going to show he is well...cuz Jesus healed him. I have been trying to believe with him that his healing is going to be manifested before he goes through the transplant. But it really amazes me how firm he is that hes better....the faith of a child...i dont know about any of you but it sure smacked me in the face that i pray and try as best I can to stand on the words "by his stripes you were healed" but then satan will stick a what if thought in your head. Like "what if" these tests are still positive how will that affect his faith. And then I realize that at times im a good deal off from having the faith of a child. Cuz tommy has abosolutely no doubt, his faith is amazing. Its truly amazing what God is doing thru this awful storm to others surrounding him. Your prayers are desperately needed and if ur moved to help them financially you can either use paypal (tommys mom's email address is mdwh@yahoo.com) and she now has a paypal acct set up ...you dont have to use mine. That is also her normal email address so if u feel led to send some encouraging words they really would love it. If you want to send a check thier address is Robert & Michelle Hopkins 403NE 140th st. Citra FL 32113.


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