Welcome to MY world!

Well I have heard alot of complaints about not seeing my face or hearing my voice because im plastered to the computer. This is your chance to view and listen to all the crap you think you are missing. (You're not missing much...believe me!!!) Blessings everyone! :)

Friday, March 31, 2006

ok so the wetsuit made me feel like spiderman..hence the impersonation...:)

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this is her before pic of the swim...

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look her lips are purple...lol

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freezing our butts off swimming with the manatees ...it was totally awesome!!!

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our fins...

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this is oj he whined all nite cuz he got his face sunburnt...everything else was covered as u can see lmbo

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the woohoo panama city fire co. truck lmbo

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the love of my daughters life...pugsly

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me and oj waiting patiently to leave the (woohoo) fire co.

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me and oj at the (woohoo) fire co lmbo

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Jess and me at panama city beach

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Jessi and me at daytona

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Monday, March 06, 2006

a nearby field...the vultures were all lined up with thier wings out sunning

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a local covered bridge

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Friday, March 03, 2006

Apologies to my blog fans hehehehe

I have heard from quite a few of u....."why havent u blogged anything?" To be truthful, I lacked subject material. Not that there wasn't sufficient subject material really because everyday i'm surrounded by it...family, friends, God's creatures and creations....but I had eyes that would not see and ears that wouldnt hear the melody of the brilliant red cardinals at our feeders. Yes there was plenty of material. When I can see the beauty of what God has given us I want to share it....yes down to the humdrum details. But when the darkness settles down over my soul like a black cloak, I really dont want to let anyone in, not even my family. So there is the truth in a nutshell. I am sorry for those people who have checked my blog and found nothing and I apologize, hopefully you can bare with me.

i believe the family was havin a discussion concerning joels bald head here....apparently he originally went for a mohawk look

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sleepy baby...not tellin which one of us that is....

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the baby isnt so tiny anymore...he is a sweet child

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My niece showing off her gifts.......(it was great seeing the kids!! ahem and u guys too.....lol)

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My son who never wants his picture taken....I swear i think this bald head was in protest!!!

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Christmas in feb!!!!

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